12 Sept 2013

Classroom layout and displays

Photos from the beginning of Term 3 2013:
Job list - pupil pictures are rotated weekly
Year Sixes have special school-wide jobs

My desk: by the front door, laptop runs the IWB
View along the windows
View along the IWB/whiteboard wall
View from front door, across classroom to cloakbay door - we have a mixture of options for seating -
pupils select a numbered counter when enter the room on Monday morning (corresponds to a workspace/seat/table)
and that is their 'base' space for the week.  They are allowed to move to other spots during the day eg when working with a partner or on an ipad, or if I want a guided group to be in a certain place.
Computer cupboard area
Marking shelf - pupils place books or completed work here for me to look at
Basket for the DIY (do-it-yourself) learning folders and resources; shelf for flag, stickers box, guided group resources.
Games cupboard (due for a paint-job!)
Literacy/spelling resources, atlases and large reference books.
Library corner
Inquiry display table, reporting books in boxes underneath
Inquiry wall - has question, key understandings, a relevant quote or two;
work or other material still to be added as inquiry progresses.
Personal learning goals display - wearing a motorbike helmet in honour of Burt Munro
Inside the computer cupboard
Guidelines on doors of computer cupboard

This lets me know who to respond to on their blog
School agreement for pupils using computers
A work in progress - poem of the week, current events
Suggestions board for what to blog about and a playtime/lunchtime computer roster
Bulldog clips attached to wall for displaying class-made publishing books.
Displaying the expectations of learning for writing.
Motivation for the Year Sixes towards the end of year prize-giving.
Wall shelves - homework books are kept each day in the empty space; modelling books to the right,
Bible in Schools books below, refill pads and handwriting cards,
maths text books at bottom - all within easy reach.
Maths equipment
As we have no desks we store our books for each subject in these bins.
The chairs get stacked at the end of the day.
We have some stools as an option.
Another version of stools.
Handwriting levels
Noise signal lights
Reward system - when board is full the dodecahedron dice (to 12) is rolled
and the winner chooses from the prize-box.
And for inappropriate behaviour...(steps two plus are hardly ever referred to thankfully!)
Guided groups on display
Low table, cushions are a seating option - due for paintjob too!
As we have no storage desks the pencil cases are kept in these trays;
everyone shares the rulers and glue-sticks.
The centre of the maths shelves/homework book shelves -
spelling and basic facts resources, literacy CDs, music CDs etc.
My personal collection of teaching resources, kept on shelves in the art bay.
More of my resources, on a higher shelf on other side of artbay.
More of my resources - the bits and pieces stuff!
Pupils can use these art supplies.
My everyday trolley - planning and resources for the week are easy to access.
Reward system - using obsolete library cards, points given for tidy handwriting as well as three points per day
as "work pay" for being at school.  Pupils can 'buy' from the shopping list.
My marking system for book work.
I use groups of three for cooperative tasks. Change each term.

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