ICT ideas

Tips and links to resources and ideas for using                     iPads, internet, websites, SMARTboards...

USING i-PADS                                   

OVERVIEW - how we use ipads in my classroom - the SAMR model                             
Tellagami and Aurasma apps              Some app introduction/how-to activities (thanks to Allanah)              
Skitch - READING or WRITING: pupils photograph a passage of text and can annotate over top of the text eg highlight action verbs, sentence structure, evidence for inference, main facts etc

ipad for Schools blog full of tips and suggestions (NZ)                            

ipads in classrooms - the APPitic site                                          

Augmented Reality apps - an overview   


22 Chrome apps to use     Chrome devices: EOL details

 quad blogging               add world time clocks to your class blog             create QR codes (online)

Class Tech Tips blog - Monica Burns (USA)              The Typing Web - build skills                                                        
Jason Ohler notes from the I Love Teaching Conference 2013               Smartboard Goodies blog (USA)

Website for Jason Ohler                     Committed Sardine blog                   Southland MediaMash website

Cyber Safety/digital citizen teacher notes  and  kids' page       OWLS cybersafety advice (NZ)

NZ teacher and blogger Allanah King - lots of tips and ideas         Catriona Pene (NZ)

Using Book Creator app for reading responses - a how-to video

How to create a (Reading Log) form with Google Docs - video Don Glass

  • Make a thank you 'letter' with Shadow Puppet on the ipads - take a photograph of self with item, record a verbal thank you and send as email or text.
  • Sign up to padlet.com - use via Safari on ipads or other devices to hold class or group brainstorms (everyone can add their ideas as a 'post-it' type entry and see what others have posted in real time); pupils can create their own research wall and post new information, key links or videos and images; create a discussion wall in response to a text or for showing how to solve a maths problem
  • Use ipad as a mini whiteboard eg use Educreations to review skills with pupils while conferencing/groups - photo of work, use draw features to highlight or demo what talking about


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